
anticipate & engage with emergent Arctic conditions & future change


Arctic Circle 2018 Assembly

October 2018 | Reykjavik, Iceland

We attended this year’s Arctic Circle Assembly. Would like to thank everyone we met for some fascinating conversations & insights: we look forward to continuing the dialogue & exploring new ideas with you in the year ahead.

Arctic Futures & Strategic Foresight Course

October 2018 | Ísafjörður, Iceland

We taught a five-day Arctic Futures & Strategic Foresight course for the Masters Programme in Coastal and Marine Management at the University Centre Of The Westfjords during the second week in October…


Arctic Futures Workshop

September 2018 | Shrivenham, UK

We recently completed an #arcticfutures and strategic implications workshop with the UK Ministry of Defence’s Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC).

Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategy Forum: Does UK Defence Need an Arctic Strategy?

September 2018 | London

arcticfutures were delighted to be invited to take part in the Chief of the Defence Staff’s Strategy Forum on 6th September in London, hosted by the Development Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)…


From the archive

Arctic Blue Scenarios | The Future of Marine Innovation

March 2016 | Ísafjörður

A one day seminar exploring how future change may affect Arctic marine innovation ideas and developments. The workshop is based on linking innovation and foresight methods to help generate insights into the future of our businesses and our society…


Arctic Circle Assembly conference | Interactive Futures

October 2015 | Reykjavík

We were fortunate to be able to work with two outstanding collaborative partners this year – the PoLAR Partnership and the University Centre of the Westfjords – from initial concept and proposal co-development in April and May through to shared attendance at the conference itself…



From Brussels, via the Arctic Circle to the Defence Academy | Piloting the Arctic Futures Scenario Exploration System

October 2014 | Reykjavík

Over recent months we’ve been developing Arctic Futures SES, a dynamic system enabling interactive, collaborative scenario generation workshops using pre-defined and user-generated perspectives on stakeholders, resources, challenges, opportunities, actions and wild cards…


Arctic Risks & Wild Cards | A collaboration with UCL Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction

September 2014 | London

This workshop brought together a range of participants from across business and academia with the intention of discussing key areas of operational/development risk via exploring two incident scenarios involving a cruise ship north of Svalbard and also an exploration oil well blow-out in the Kara Sea…


Arctic Futures & the Postnormal Perspective

June 2014 | London

As part of a collaboration with The Center for Postnormal Policy and Futures Studies we were delighted to be invited to talk at the inaugural ‘Last Friday London Gatherings’ event organised by the Association of Professional Futurists. Our presentation, titled ‘Arctic Futures & the Postnormal Perspective‘, sought to combine our own Arctic futures approaches with Postnormal futures analysis…





Organisations arcticfutures has collaborated with

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